• Welcome to the Faith4All website!

    The worship, fulfillment, and service of the divine are not activities that should exclude anyone. Faith4All is dedicated to disability inclusion, encouraging and assisting the transformation of any faith community into one that invites, embraces, includes, and empowers people who happen to live with disabilities. We all benefit from having an active spiritual life.

    Faith4All works to make religious inclusion a reality for all people everywhere!

       ⇒Click here to read more about our mission...


  • Our services

    Simply put, Faith4All will assist a faith community's transformation as it becomes a more welcoming and assessible to people who have a variety of disabilities. While one portion of this website will list important features of both your phyiscal plant and your community's culture can be changed so as to encourage the greater involvement of people who might live with any sort of disability; the Faith4All organization can also provide individualized attention to this effort, assisting and encouraging in this transformation and guiding its progress, helping to develop intrest in your community to reach out and open the doors to all interested members.

       ⇒Click here to read more about the services we offer...


  • Other useful information

    • Testimonials

      We maintain several blogs that contain a short descriptions of the experiences of others and the solutions Faith4All has suggested. You might review these blogs to see how with Faith4All has helped faith organizations in a variety of communities, religions, denominations, and sects. Please remember that the job of inlusion and the challenges that are encountered in our efforts are largely not related to any particular religious persuasion. You may discover that the answers to your queries are found by reading the experiences written by people of other faith traditions. Also, a large number of more specific websites concerned with the inclusion of people living with disabilities in active religious community membership are listed on this page.

         ⇒Click here to learn about other communities experiences


    • Staff

      Find information about the people at Faith4All and learn about our experiences in faith communities. We cannot know nor have experienced everything that people with disabilities find disempowering in worshiping communities.  However, our hope is simply to assist as many religious organizations as we can to serve those with disabilities as well as those who are temporarily abled. (About 12.1% of the population of the USA are people who live with a very wide range of disabilities at any one time! [1] It is also important to note that we all can or will become disabled in some way in our lifetime.)

         ⇒Click here to learn who we are


[1] Erickson, W., Lee, C., & von Schrader, S. (2014). 2012 Disability Status Report: United States. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute(EDI).